Tuesday, November 15, 2011

EyeGraffiti: Chicken Mouth!

EyeGraffiti: Chicken Mouth!

This is how you should NOT photograph your lip gloss! I don't care if you think your normal pout is boring but this is NOT attractive.


  1. This was more actually more of a joke, but lately we been trying to take shots from different angles just so that our readers can get a better look at the product we're using. We know about the glitter issue but it was just for the picture. If we're going to wear glitter lips for a longer time we always use cosmetic glitter but to make sure no one's getting confused about our product use we've post a disclaimer under one of the tabs!
    We appreciate your reflections and thoughts!

  2. I apologize if I ruffled any feathers (Ha!) and your eye looks are incredible. I didn't mean to upset you or anything. I'm just of a different opinion, but it's all good :-)

  3. No feathers ruffled ;)! We actually do appreciate opinions, so keep on having them!
